Accounting Portal

Accounting Portal


Your main source of information in the business world. 

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Planejamento sucessório: o que é, como funciona e benefícios

Neste artigo, vamos explicar o que é planejamento sucessório, como ele funciona, as vantagens de estruturar uma sucessão patrimonial e [...]

Paralegal: o que faz este profissional, em quais áreas e como contratar

Neste artigo, vamos explicar o que é paralegal, quais são suas principais responsabilidades, em quais áreas ele pode atuar e [...]

Imposto de Renda 2025: saiba quem precisa declarar e tire outras dúvidas

Neste conteúdo, abordaremos em detalhes os critérios de obrigatoriedade, as categorias de dependentes, a documentação necessária, os impactos de uma [...]

Elisão fiscal: conheça a chave para economizar no pagamento de impostos

Neste artigo, vamos explorar em detalhes o que é elisão fiscal, como ela se relaciona com o planejamento tributário e [...]

Paralegal: o que faz este profissional, em quais áreas e como contratar

Neste artigo, vamos explicar o que é paralegal, quais são suas principais responsabilidades, em [...]

Imposto de Renda 2025: saiba quem precisa declarar e tire outras dúvidas

Neste conteúdo, abordaremos em detalhes os critérios de obrigatoriedade, as categorias de dependentes, a [...]

Elisão fiscal: conheça a chave para economizar no pagamento de impostos

Neste artigo, vamos explorar em detalhes o que é elisão fiscal, como ela se [...]

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Strategic planning: the key to sustainable business success

Strategic planning is the basis of any organization that seeks to stand out and achieve [...]

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INSS Patronal: calculation, rates and doubts

In this article, we'll explain what INSS patronal is, how its application to the payroll works [...]

Christmas bonus for INSS pensioners

The thirteenth for INSS retirees is a topic that often generates many doubts [...]

FAP - Work Accident Factor: Understand All About This Important Index

Understanding the subject is essential if companies are to be able to manage their tax obligations in a [...]

How to calculate Simples Nacional

In this article, we'll explain in detail how to calculate Simples Nacional and the main points [...]

Simples Nacional: a complete guide to understanding and making the most of this tax regime

In this article, we'll explore in depth what Simples Nacional is, how it works, [...]

Invoice: understand everything about this fundamental commercial document and how to use it correctly

The invoice is indispensable for anyone working in foreign trade, or even for those [...]

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Keep up with the latest news in the world of financial, tax and accounting management, receive alerts and the information that influences your decision-making, with analysis from our team of experts. Request your quote

    Difference between Simples Nacional and Presumed Profit

    In this content, the team of experts at CLM Controller Contabilidade will explain everything [...]

    Business budget: how to plan and control your company's finances

    In this article, we'll go into detail about how to plan and control your company's finances using [...]

    Tax reform: next steps in Brazil

    Tax reform is one of the most discussed topics on the economic and political scene [...]

    Companies must promote mental health at work by 2025

    As of May 26, 2025, companies in Brazil will be obliged to implement [...]

    Financial BPO: what is it and how does it work?

    In this context, financial BPO has emerged as a strategic solution for optimizing processes, reducing costs [...]

    All about Presumed Profit: rates, calculation and much more!

    In this article, you'll find very complete content on Presumed Profit, with explanations that [...]

    CSLL: rates, calculation method and everything you need to know

    The CSLL (Social Contribution on Net Profits) is an essential federal tax in the [...] system.

    Real Profit: rates, calculation method and everything you need to know

    If you are an entrepreneur and are looking for the ideal tax regime for your company, [...]

    Import on account and import to order

    Importing is an important strategy for companies looking for products, technologies [...]

    Incoterms: the complete guide to understanding and using them correctly in international trade

    Incoterms (International Commercial Terms) are a set of agreements widely used in international trade [...]

    Accident Prevention Factor (FAP) 2025: What are the New Rules?

    With the recent announcement of the Accident Prevention Factor (FAP) for 2025, all companies [...]

    How far are you from retirement? See the INSS transition rules!

    If you're looking to find out how long you have left to retire and want to [...]

    Strategies for paying less tax in 2025

    This article offers detailed strategies for entrepreneurs to legally reduce their tax burden in 2025, taking advantage of [...]

    MEI: settle your debts with Simples Nacional

    In this article, we'll look at the consequences of not settling debts and the best strategies [...]

    All about ISS in Barueri: rates, calculation and examples

    In this article, we'll cover everything you need to know about ISS in Barueri, [...]

    Changes to CADIN with Law 14.973/2024: what has changed?

    Law No. 14.973, passed on September 16, 2024, brought significant changes to the [...]

    How to regularize assets and rights through the General RERCT in Brazil and abroad

    The Special Regime for the General Regularization of Foreign Exchange and Tax Assets (RERCT-Geral), created by Law [...]

    All about international accounting

    Find out all about international accounting, including accounting standards, taxes, practical calculations and tips for optimizing [...]

    Sports betting regulations: understand the rules

    The changes provide clear guidelines on taxation and the criteria necessary for [...]

    Real Estate by Receita Federal: an opportunity to pay less tax

    With the publication of Normative Instruction No. 2222 by the Federal Revenue Service, a new opportunity has arisen [...]

    How to obtain authorization for fixed odds betting in Brazil

    The fixed odds betting market is one of the fastest growing areas [...]

    How accounting helps reduce taxes in your company

    In a competitive business environment, the search for solutions that increase financial efficiency is [...]

    São Paulo regulates ISS for sports betting

    The municipality of São Paulo regulates the calculation basis of ISS for sports betting, [...]

    STF releases sharing of PIX and card data with states

    STF decides that PIX and card transaction data will be shared with the states. [...]

    See how to start a business

    Discover the complete step-by-step guide to starting a business in 2024, from choosing [...]

    See the changes with the inclusion of new incentives in DIRBI

    Discover the changes to DIRBI with the new IN RFB 2.216/2024. Find out how the inclusion [...]

    What is Electronic Judicial Domicile and how to avoid legal penalties

    If you still don't know how the DJE works or what you need to do to [...]

    How can I implement the salary transparency report in my company?

    This article provides a detailed overview of this report, including its purpose, how to fill it out and [...]

    What is the difference between pro-labore and profit distribution?

    In the business world, terms like "pro-labore" and "profit distribution" are often used, but neither [...]

    Sales tax discount: impacts of the Tax Reform

    The Brazilian tax reform, approved in 2024, is one of the most eagerly awaited and discussed changes [...]

    Taxation for service providers: see how to pay less tax

    Do you know how taxation works for service providers and what is possible [...]

    Is your CNPJ at risk of being disqualified?

    Did you know that failure to submit declarations can render your CNPJ ineligible [...]

    Simples Nacional for lawyers: is it worth it?

    If you're looking for an efficient way to collect taxes and want to spend more time [...]

    Limited Liability Company (LTDA): what is it and how does it work?

    In this article, we'll explore what an LTDA is, how it works, and what [...]

    Zero Litigation Program: deadline extended

    Federal Revenue Office Extends Deadline for Joining the Zero Litigation Program 2024

    See how a holding company works

    In this article, we will explore in detail the concept, the types of holding companies, their benefits, challenges [...]

    How to open a family holding company?

    Opening a family holding company is a matter of interest to many families who [...]

    Reduced working hours: what changes for companies

    This article explores the details of these proposals and how they can impact your company.

    Tax reform: what will change

    Brazil's 2024 Tax Reform promises to significantly transform the country's tax system, [...]

    Online sports betting: new rules and fines

    Fixed odds betting companies, known as "bets", face a new regulatory scenario [...]

    Fisco: what are the biggest mistakes and how to avoid them

    Tax compliance is essential for the sustainable growth of industries in Brazil, in a [...]

    Is it possible to exempt ITBI when creating a Family Holding?

    The creation of a family holding company has become a common strategy among Brazilian entrepreneurs, [...]

    See how IT companies can optimize their tax burden

    In the dynamic Information Technology (IT) sector, in addition to the technical and operational challenges, the [...]

    ICMS: What it is and how to calculate it

    The Tax on the Circulation of Goods and Services (ICMS) is a state tax present in [...]

    How to access the Electronic Judicial Domicile: a guide for companies

    In recent years, technological advances have provided countless facilities for companies of all [...]

    Accounting for import companies in Brazil

    Importing is a fundamental activity for many Brazilian companies, providing access to products and [...]

    How does INSS work for Simples Nacional companies?

    If you are considering joining Simples Nacional for your company, it is essential to understand [...]

    Simples Nacional or Lucro Presumido for IT companies?

    Simples Nacional or Lucro Presumido for IT companies? This is a very common question [...]

    Accounting for foreign trade companies?

    Do you know how accounting works and how important it is for companies in the [...]

    CCT import: transforming Brazilian customs logistics

    Coana Ordinance 127/2023 defined the parameters for the Cargo Control System [...]


    New DIRBI obligation: see how it can impact your business

    From January 2024, entrepreneurs and tax professionals will need to [...]

    CNPJ transformation: new alphanumeric format from 2026

    Find out how the Federal Revenue Service is preparing a historic change to the National Registry of [...]

    What are the advantages of opening a holding company?

    From facilitating succession planning to maximizing tax benefits, the possibilities are [...]

    How Presumed Profit works: rates and calculation

    The Presumed Profit regime is one of the taxation options available to companies in [...]

    When to migrate from Simples Nacional to Lucro Presumido?

    When should I migrate from Simples Nacional to Lucro Presumido? This is a very interesting question, [...]

    An effective form of onboarding

    An efficient onboarding process for an accounting firm is essential to ensure [...]

    New rules and fees for sports betting in Brazil

    The federal government has issued a series of measures and new rules to regulate the [...]

    Tax incentive law for renovating business equipment in 2024: what you need to know

    The Brazilian government has sanctioned a new law aimed at boosting the economy and technological innovation [...]


    Is it worth firing an employee and rehiring them as an MEI?

    Brazilian labor legislation is extensive and detailed, seeking to protect both employees and companies. A [...]

    20% Tax on Imports: relief for retailers

    Find out how the new 20% tax rate on imports of up to US$ 50 can benefit [...]

    The Electronic Judicial Process System (PJe): what it is and how to register

    Find out what the Electronic Judicial Process (PJe) is, how it works and how lawyers [...]

    How to calculate ICMS on the Simples Nacional surplus?

    Understand the calculation of the Tax on Circulation of Goods and Services (ICMS) on surplus [...]

    Measures to be taken in the company to avoid falling into the fine mesh

    Learn how to implement appropriate practices in your company to avoid inconveniences with the tax authorities and [...]

    Federal government zeroes import tariffs on rice to guarantee supply

    The federal government has announced an exemption from import tariffs for three types of rice, [...]

    Interest Simples Nacional: how to calculate overdue DAS

    This article provides practical guidance on calculating Simples Nacional interest on payments [...]

    How to reduce taxes and manage assets with Family Holdings?

    As the deadline for filing income tax returns approaches, families [...]

    Direct and indirect taxes: what's the difference and what does the company pay?

    Find out more about direct and indirect taxes and what your company's obligations are [...]


    How are retailers integrating ESG aspects into the supply chain?

    A study carried out by Amcham Brasil in partnership with the Humanizadas consultancy analyzed the readiness [...]

    Financial outsourcing for telecommunications companies

    Understand now how financial outsourcing can boost the efficiency of telecommunications companies, optimizing [...]

    Do you know what tax planning is and how to implement it?

    In the business world, one of the factors that has the greatest impact on finances is tax costs. [...]

    How do I check my state registration and how important is it?

    Have you ever heard of State Registration (IE)? This registration number may sound like [...]

    Taxes levied on foreign trade

    Complete guide to foreign trade taxation for B2B companies. Understand the main taxes [...]

    Internal Revenue Service regulates taxation of Fixed Odds bets

    The Federal Revenue Service has just released an important regulation regarding the taxation of net premiums [...]

    Most common labor charges for industrial employees

    Understand the most common labor charges in industry, such as FGTS, INSS, overtime and additional [...]

    Unraveling the Electronic Judicial Domicile

    The Electronic Judicial Domicile is a revolutionary tool that simplifies and speeds up the process of [...]

    Liability insurance for accounting firms

    The business world is full of challenges and uncertainties, and entrepreneurs are constantly [...]

    Debts with the IRS: how to renegotiate and pay in installments

    Debts with the IRS can become a real burden for entrepreneurs and [...]

    What taxes are levied on telecommunications services? - calculation examples

    Understand the taxes and contributions on telecommunications services, such as ICMS, PIS, COFINS, ISS, FUNTTEL [...]

    Everything you need to know about the Electronic Workplace Domicile (DET)

    The Domicílio Eletrônico Trabalhista (DET) is a federal government tool, managed by the [...]

    The importance of HR professionals in corporate hiring

    In this article, we'll explore the importance of the HR professional in corporate hiring and how they [...]

    Prospects and trends for foreign trade in 2024

    In this article, we take a deep dive into the projections and realities of the Foreign Trade scenario for [...]


    Changing company headquarters: procedures and costs

    Transferring the company's registered office, i.e. changing the business address specified in the articles of association [...]

    Electronic Invoice for Gold: who needs to issue it?

    Since March 2023, the Federal Revenue Service has implemented the Electronic Invoice (NF-e) for transactions [...]

    Complete Guide: How do I calculate my net salary?

    Learn how to calculate your net salary clearly and in detail, taking into account the mandatory deductions [...]

    Taxes can be obstacles for foreign companies in Brazil

    In this article, we explore the main obstacles faced by foreign companies seeking to operate in Brazil [...]

    The tax reform regulations will be delivered to Congress next week

    Learn more about the tax reform bills that will be sent to Congress [...]

    Digital Tax Bookkeeping for IT companies: the most common mistakes

    Discover the most common mistakes in tax bookkeeping for information technology (IT) companies [...]

    Digital FGTS simplifies payment for employers

    FGTS Digital, FGTS collection, tax obligations, employers, business modernization, electronic platform, adhesion deadlines, [...]

    The importance of a qualified ERP for online gaming companies

    See how an ERP system can revolutionize the operation of online gaming companies, optimizing [...]

    Complete Guide: How do I calculate my net salary?

    Learn how to calculate your net salary clearly and in detail, taking into account the mandatory deductions [...]

    Did you know that individuals and companies can join the new phase of Zero Litigation?

    The extension of the Zero Litigation program runs until July 31st of this year.

    What discrepancies did Operation Falso Simples find in social security contributions?

    Did you know that you now have the opportunity to regularize the payment of social security contributions [...]

    Telecom entrepreneur, are you issuing the note the right way?

    Like all tax changes in Brazil, the implementation of the NFS-e Model 21 and [...]

    CLM Controller receives the RA Verified Seal: a guarantee of trust and quality

    Recently, CLM Controller, a renowned company specializing in accounting, tax, financial management and payroll services, [...]

    New PERSE proposal excludes companies created after 2020 and opting for Real Profit

    Check out the main changes to the Perse and who can take part in the new program.

    Do you know how taxation works when importing services?

    n the current scenario, Brazil is experiencing a significant increase in the export of services, especially [...]

    How corporate planning works for online sports betting companies

    Understand the importance of corporate planning for online casinos. This article explores legal considerations and [...]

    How to calculate taxes on software imports

    With the rapid advance of technology and the increased use of software in our daily [...]

    The 5 Damages of not hiring a specialized accounting firm

    Efficient financial management is the foundation of any successful company. However, many entrepreneurs [...]

    What are the consequences of non-compliance with the LGPD?

    Learn about the serious consequences of non-compliance with the LGPD in cases of information leakage [...]

    Electronic work address becomes mandatory

    The Electronic Labor Domicile (DET), regulated by Decrees 10.854/2021 and 11.905/2024 and by MTE Ordinances [...]

    Tips for fast and agile importing

    Understand the best strategies for fast and efficient importing. Learn valuable tips on mapping [...]

    How is strategic CFO outsourcing essential in mergers and acquisitions?

    See how outsourcing a CFO can be crucial for companies planning mergers [...]

    What are the taxes for import companies?

    International trade is a vital part of the global economy, many companies are involved in [...]

    Trainees for telecom companies: why are they important?

    See why trainee programs are essential for growth and innovation in [...]

    Which of the three tax regimes is best for online betting companies?

    See which tax regime is most advantageous for online betting companies. We analyze Simples Nacional, [...]

    How does starting a business and accounting work for foreign entrepreneurs in Brazil?

    Discover the detailed steps and crucial considerations for foreigners wishing to open a business in [...]

    Wage transparency in 2024, business owners beware!

    Don't waste time! From next Monday (22), companies with more than 100 [...]

    How important is corporate planning for multinationals?

    See how continuous and adaptable corporate planning is crucial for legal compliance and [...]

    Payroll outsourcing or BPO? See what the advantages are.

    Preparing the monthly payroll is a task that requires knowledge and dedication, [...]

    What are the advantages of ERP for distributors and importers?

    Read about how an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system boosts distributors and importers, [...]

    What are the transition rules for the Tax Reform?

    Constitutional Amendment 132/2023 introduced a comprehensive tax reform, bringing with it the gradual implementation of [...]

    See how to calculate Presumed Profit in industries

    Understand the unique challenges faced by industries when choosing Presumed Profit as their tax regime. [...]

    All about INSS for entrepreneurs

    Surely you've heard of the INSS, but do you fully understand how it works? This [...]

    What is a family holding company and how does it work?

    In this article, we will explore the relevance and benefits of structuring a Family Holding in 2024, [...]

    Asset shielding: navigating between legality and ethics

    In the world of business and asset management, asset shielding is often discussed. [...]

    Tips from a good Headhunter for technology companies and the IT sector

    Check out the best tips on how to recruit and select talent [...]

    The advantages of financial outsourcing for software companies

    Financial outsourcing has emerged as a vital strategy for software companies looking to focus [...]

    Strategic accounting for telecom companies

    Let's dive into essential information, optimized strategies and practical tips to boost financial success [...]

    The importance of financial modeling for multinationals

    Financial modeling emerges as a vital tool, shaping not just the numbers, but the [...]

    Advantages of financial outsourcing for online betting companies

    Understand how outsourcing in the financial sector can optimize efficiency, reduce costs and enable [...]

    Accounting boutique to boost your business with specialized services

    The "accounting boutique" is emerging as a revolutionary concept in the accounting world, representing firms that [...]

    Controversial creative accounting and its impact on companies

    Learn about creative accounting, its risks and benefits and how to avoid this controversial practice. [...]

    Financial planning strategies for IT companies

    Financial planning is fundamental to the success of any company, and in [...]

    Beyond accounting for foreign entrepreneurs

    Foreign entrepreneurs face unique challenges when expanding their businesses into new territories. In the midst of [...]

    Efficient recruitment and selection in telecom companies

    Learn how to implement effective recruitment and selection strategies in telecommunications companies, optimizing [...]

    CLM Controller receives recognition from international portal Clutch

    In the modern age of business, where service excellence is a crucial factor for [...]

    The role of a CFO in a foreign trade company

    Understand how the Chief Financial Officer (CFO) plays a key role in both financial control and [...]


    Personalized accounting services boost business

    In this article, we'll dive into the relevance of accounting personalization, highlighting how it has become a [...]

    Theft or robbery of goods during transportation: ICMS and IPI implications on the invoice

    In this article, we will explore how this practice becomes a key differentiator, highlighting inspiring examples of [...]

    The importance of strategic planning for foreign trade companies

    In this article, we will explore the importance of strategic planning for companies involved in international trade, [...]

    Americanas reveals net loss of R$ 12.9 billion in 2022 balance sheet

    In a surprising turn of events and after a series of postponements, Americanas has finally released its [...]

    Main reasons for fines imposed in foreign trade

    Learn about the main reasons why exporting companies receive fines and penalties. Find out how [...]

    Is Simples Nacional the best tax option for technology companies?

    In this article, we'll explore whether Simples Nacional is the right tax regime for [...]

    How the LGPD affects foreign entrepreneurs in Brazil

    However, when entering the Brazilian market, it is crucial that these entrepreneurs are aware of [...]

    How Accounting 4.0 works and its challenges

    Understand how technology is transforming modern accounting and how professionals can [...]

    Regulating tax incentives for foreign entrepreneurs in Brazil

    However, investing in a foreign country involves a number of regulations and challenges, especially [...]


    Empowering professionals while respecting individual profiles

    In this article, we'll explore how respecting these profiles is essential for a company's success [...]

    SouthRock Capital: Billion-dollar debt and the receivership of the Starbucks and Subway brands

    SouthRock's decision highlights the challenges faced by companies, particularly in the food sector, [...]

    Identifying opportunities and risks for large technology companies

    One valuable tool in this process is indicators. In this article, we'll explore how large companies [...]

    Accounting and compliance in online gambling: financial transparency

    Read about the importance of transparent accounting and financial reporting for betting companies [...]

    Accounting impacts of payroll exemption

    Facilitating the implementation of strategies that boost the turnover, profitability and savings of [...]

    Accounting challenges in the financial consolidation of multinationals

    Become aware of the accounting challenges multinationals face when consolidating financial reports. Learn how [...]

    Identifying the timing for automating customer service

    Automating customer service is a growing trend that can significantly improve efficiency, [...]

    Regulatory challenges in the telecommunications sector

    The telecommunications sector in Brazil has undergone significant transformations in recent decades, driven by [...]

    How the Automatic Identification System works and tracking on the high seas

    Understand the role of the Automatic Identification System (AIS) in tracking products in operations [...]

    5 crucial tips for foreign entrepreneurs to establish themselves in Brazil

    Brazil is a diverse country, full of opportunities for foreign entrepreneurs.

    Humanized service still makes a difference!

    Why the Personal Touch Trumps Automation in Customer Service

    Labor compliance for online gaming companies: see how to reduce risks

    In this article, we'll explore the importance of labor compliance for online gaming companies and how [...]

    Understanding tax obstacles in the telecommunications sector

    In this article, we will explore the main tax challenges that telecommunications companies need to understand and [...]

    Digital work permit: agility and modernization in labor relations.

    One of the most significant changes in this regard is the transition from the traditional work permit [...]

    Financial outsourcing after the tax reform: optimizing costs

    In this article, we will explore how financial outsourcing can be a smart solution after the Reform [...]

    Changes to EFD-Reinf: what you need to know 2023

    The Federal Revenue Service recently announced significant changes to the Digital Tax Bookkeeping of Withholdings and Other [...]


    The main changes in the new tax reform and their impact on companies

    Read about the main changes proposed in the New Tax Reform and how they might affect [...]

    Changes to the RICMS/SP: ICMS credit 2023

    In this article, we will explore these changes and understand how they affect business operations.

    Digital FGTS: a revolution in management and payment

    The Severance Indemnity Fund (FGTS) is one of the fundamental guarantees for [...]

    Efficient personnel department for industries: compliance and avoiding legal risks

    Discover the importance of an efficient personnel department for industries in the age of Industry 4.0. [...]

    Excellent service drives mutual growth

    Excellence in customer service is not just a commercial strategy, but a philosophy [...]

    Payroll in online gaming companies: compliance with labor laws

    In this article, we will explore the importance of compliance with labor laws, especially with regard to [...]

    Exploring contemporary professionalism: virtues in focus!

    In a world that is always changing due to new technologies and where you have to [...]

    Tax planning for industries: choice of regime and tax savings

    Learn how to carry out efficient tax planning for industries, choosing the best tax regime and [...]

    Santander dismisses EY: failures in financial fraud consultancy

    The financial sector is one of the pillars of the global economy, and institutions like Santander [...]

    Understanding the changes to EFD-REINF: the crucial role of cooperation

    The tax landscape is constantly evolving, and companies need to adapt to new [...]

    The evolution of customer service: Focus on improvement

    Customer service has always been a vital element in the success of any business. [...]

    New tax reform: the impacts on the industrial sector

    Find out how the New Tax Reform could affect the industrial sector and discover strategies for [...]


    The acronym "EFD-Reinf" stands for Digital Tax Bookkeeping of Withholdings and Other Tax Information.

    Accounting to optimize inventory management in import and export

    Find out how accounting can optimize inventory management in import/export companies. Learn [...]

    Proactivity in the search for answers in the internet age

    We live in the information age, where data is the new currency. Every day, [...]

    Exchange rate volatility for exports and imports

    Understand how exchange rate volatility affects import and export operations and how [...]

    Negative consequences of a wrong payroll

    See the financial and legal implications of an incorrect payroll and how [...]

    STF considers the collection of attendance fees for trade unions to be valid

    The amount is used to fund activities such as collective bargaining and is not to be confused [...]

    Tax planning for telecom companies

    Telecommunications companies operate in a highly competitive and regulated environment, where efficiency [...]

    Entrepreneurs understand the importance of putting themselves in the customer's shoes

    In the business world, there is one principle that should never be forgotten: "The customer always [...]

    The challenge of finding qualified professionals

    Qualified professionals are individuals who possess the necessary skills, knowledge and experience to perform [...]

    The role of accounting in multinationals' compliance with tax regulations

    See how accounting plays a critical role in tax compliance for multinationals. Learn how [...]

    Delighting the customer: the key to business success

    In the business world, the customer is, and always has been, king. However, simply satisfying [...]

    Online betting in Brazil: taxes and regulation

    The online betting scene is constantly growing all over the world, and the [...]

    The vital significance of indicators for companies

    Indicators, in the business context, are key elements that quantify and represent relevant information for management [...]

    Revisions and adaptations needed in the corporate planning of an up-and-coming company

    Discover the importance of periodic reviews in corporate planning for up-and-coming companies. Find out how [...]

    Tax compliance: comply to grow

    Tax Compliance refers to the set of practices, policies and procedures that a company implements [...]

    Benefits of implementing a trainee program in companies.

    A trainee program is a career development program offered by many companies [...]

    Here's how to reduce the tax burden on online games

    Learn about the complexities of taxation for online gaming companies and discover planning strategies [...]

    Efficient replacement of employees by HR

    The Human Resources (HR) Department plays a crucial role in talent management and [...]

    The lack of technical knowledge in import accounting

    In the complex web of international trade, importers play a crucial role in bringing products [...]

    LGPD in online gaming companies

    Understand the main points of the LGPD and how it affects gaming companies [...]

    Finding professionals trained in foreign trade

    It only increases the difficulty of dealing with the shortage of professionals trained in foreign trade, [...]

    See the importance of an accountant for import companies

    Companies that work with foreign trade, and are not prepared to deal with the demands [...]

    Legislation for import companies

    See the impacts and challenges faced by import companies, due to the laws and regulations [...]

    The importance of accounting for online betting companies

    In the contemporary digital business landscape, online betting companies have experienced a growth [...]

    Foreigners see price and not value in accounting services

    The perception of value and price is influenced by a variety of factors and differences [...]

    The importance of specialized accounting support for technology companies

    Learn about the negative impacts of not having specialized accounting support for your company [...]

    Complex tax legislation on exports and imports in Brazil

    Understand the challenges faced by Brazilian companies when dealing with complex tax legislation in [...]

    The lack of standardization in Brazil's export and import processes

    Find out how this affects the efficiency and competitiveness of foreign trade operations and learn [...]

    Accounting mistakes that big companies make

    Avoiding accounting errors is essential to guaranteeing the integrity of financial statements, fulfilling obligations [...]

    Customs Bureaucracy and Documentation: Export and Import Challenges in Brazil

    Learn about the main documents and procedures required for foreign trade operations and [...]

    Taxation for import companies: complexities and tax strategies

    In this article, we will explore the complexities of taxation for import companies and discuss important strategies [...]


    Accounting services prices

    CLM Controller focuses its strategy on providing a structure with sophisticated equipment and standards [...]

    Opening a CNPJ step by step: everything you need to know

    Opening a CNPJ is the first step towards formalizing a business in Brazil. [...]

    Accounting and the adaptation of technology companies to tax changes

    In this article, we will explore the importance of accounting in adapting technology companies to the changes [...]

    Business succession planning: protecting assets and continuity

    Ensure the continuity of your business in the event of unexpected events. Read our article on [...]

    Fiscal intelligence: using advanced technologies to save companies money

    Today, we're going to explore how fiscal intelligence, through the use of advanced technologies, is [...]

    Accounting compliance: pillars of sustainability and business credibility

    This article explores the importance of accounting compliance and how it plays a key role [...]

    Accounting Due Diligence: Financial Assessment and Risk Management

    Discover how accounting due diligence can be a powerful tool in the financial evaluation of [...]

    Unraveling payroll challenges and opportunities for companies

    Payroll management is a crucial point for companies of all [...]

    Learn how to start your financial planning

    Understand, in practice, what to take into account when planning your financial [...]


    Tax Planning for IT Companies: Understand the importance

    The Information Technology (IT) sector is one of the most innovative and dynamic fields [...]

    Accounting and business intelligence: accounting reports for decision making

    Accounting is a fundamental part of any business. Not only does it help maintain [...]

    How much does an employee cost my company?

    How much does an employee cost my company? A big mistake entrepreneurs make is to evaluate [...]


    Myths and truths in online accounting: find out what's real

    In this article, we'll explore some myths and truths about online accounting to help clarify [...]

    Accounting management in foreign trade companies: the 3 mistakes to avoid

    In this article, we'll explore three common mistakes that foreign trade companies should avoid [...]

    Accounting for IT companies: the importance of professional advice

    Accounting for IT companies: the importance of professional advice Accounting for IT companies [...]

    What is ERP?

    What is ERP? Understand what an ERP system is and how it can [...]

    PJ account: how important is it for MEI?

    PJ account: how important is it for MEIs? Understand the importance of opening a PJ account [...]

    Is a business credit card worth it?

    Is a business credit card worth it? If you're thinking of getting a [...]

    Can freelancers be MEIs?

    Can a freelancer become an MEI? Are you a freelancer and want to become an MEI? In this article we [...]

    Can IT professionals be MEIs?

    With the Information Technology (IT) sector constantly growing, many self-employed [...]

    Online Accounting: How do I choose the best one for my company?

    Online Accounting: How do I choose the best one for my company? What is online accounting? Which [...]

    NFS-e: Federal Revenue Service launches the Electronic Services Invoice application


    Beware of the boleto scam!

    In the accounting world, where financial security is paramount, it is crucial to be aware of threats [...]

    What do I need to do to change my meter?

    What do I need to do to change my accountant? Do you want to change your meter and don't [...]


    What are the risks of selling without an invoice?

    Do you know the risks of selling without an invoice? In this article we talk [...]

    How to calculate unemployment benefits

    Unemployment insurance is an essential benefit for workers who have lost their jobs without just cause [...]

    What is notice? What are the types? How should they be complied with?

    What is notice? What are the types? How should they be complied with? We explain [...]

    What is Consulting Accounting?

    Consulting accounting goes beyond maintaining a company's accounting and financial routines. Its [...]


    What is DSR?

      Understand what DSR is, what the legislation says about this right [...]

    Mental Health in Companies: What is the role of HR?

    Understand the importance of mental health in companies and how HR can work to [...]

    Is it possible to reactivate the CNPJ?

    Not sure if you can reactivate your company's CNPJ? Read this article and [...]

    The importance of time control

    In this article we'll talk about the importance of a time and attendance system and how [...]

    Understand the importance of vacation control

    Do you know why it's so important for your company to keep track of vacation [...]

    What activities are subject to the R Factor?

    The tax world is full of terms and acronyms that can seem confusing to many [...]

    What is a Corporate Budget?

    Understand what a business budget is, its importance, the main types and the steps to [...]


    CPRB: What is it and how to calculate it?

    In this article we talk about what the CPRB is, how it was created, what it [...]

    Customs logistics: The importance of accounting

    Understand how accounting can contribute to the success of customs logistics operations. A [...]


    What is financial management?

    In this article you'll find everything you need to know about financial management.


    Find out all about the Digital Work Permit

    In this article we present the Digital Work Permit, its function, how to issue [...]

    What are the changes to labor laws in 2022?

    In 2021, the federal government implemented some emergency measures to try to help companies and workers [...]

    Interstate ICMS regulation sanctioned

    Until the end of 2021, the collection of interstate ICMS was governed by an agreement signed [...]

    São Paulo Municipal Tax Legislation is amended

    Through Law 17.719/2021, the tax legislation of the municipality of São Paulo has undergone several changes. [...]

    Understanding the flexibilization of labor legislation

    On April 28th, Provisional Measure 1,045 was issued, establishing the New [...] Program.

    Tax reform 2022: Understand which changes have already been approved

    PEC 110, also known as PEC da Reforma Tributária 2022, is currently in Congress. [...]


    LGPD in Force. What's next?

    The so-called General Data Protection Law (LGPD) has been in force since October 18, [...]


    Accounting Firm for Fintech: Learn why your company needs one

    The choice of accounting firm for Fintech must be accompanied by many precautions. This [...]


    Learn what payroll exemption is, how it works and how to calculate it

    Have you ever heard of payroll exemption? At first glance, hearing that [...]

    The best employment contracts - discover the options for your company

    Labor laws have become more flexible over time, but there are still many complaints [...]

    MP 1.045: Understanding the relaxation of labor legislation

    On April 28th, Provisional Measure 1,045 was issued, establishing the New [...] Program.


    CLT vs. PJ: how should your company hire?

    The choice between hiring an employee under the CLT (Consolidation of Labor Laws) [...]

    Covid-19: Zero import tax for more than 65 products

    As a measure to help combat Covid-19, the Chamber's Executive Management Committee (Gecex) [...]


    Learn how to reduce costs by outsourcing finance

    In an increasingly competitive and challenging business environment, optimizing financial resources [...]

    ICMS for Software: is it valid or not?

    In this article, we will explore the current ICMS situation for software and clarify whether companies [...]

    Learn about the concepts and main characteristics of writing off fixed assets

    When we talk about write-offs of fixed assets, especially in the case of assets that suffer depreciation [...]

    Intermittent employment contracts: everything you need to know!

    Learn about the main advantages and disadvantages of intermittent employment contracts. It's essential that [...]

    What do I need to know when hiring an employee?

    Having the right information when hiring an employee is essential these days [...]

    Women in Accounting

    The figures show changes for the better: The presence of women accountants has been growing in recent [...]

    Taking out credit for companies: Find out which

    Obtaining credit is a fundamental part of a company's financial management. Whether [...]


    Solidarity Income Tax 2022: What do you need to know?

    Donations through the Solidarity Income Tax 2022 to charities or institutions that support [...]


    Why is financial planning important for startups?

    Startups are early-stage companies looking for innovation and rapid growth.

    Is Simples Nacional 2022 right for your company?

    For small business owners who are still looking to grow their company, the [...]


    DARF overdue... What now?

    Overdue DARFs can cause a lot of headaches for companies and individuals. In this [...]


    Inactive companies and their obligations

    Many people may have doubts or simply ignore an inactive company and its consequent obligations, [...]

    Outsourcing accounting services to multinational companies: benefits and reasons

    These days, many entrepreneurs choose to outsource their financial management services to [...]


    Understand how accounting can act in your defense

    Accounting is often seen as a discipline focused solely on the financial organization of [...]


    Accounting firm for advertising companies: Here's how important it is

    Whether or not to hire an accounting firm for an advertising company should be a [...]


    Accounting office for industries: understand the importance

    It is common for company managers to ask themselves what the advantage or importance [...]

    Accounting advice for telephone companies: understand its importance

    As you will see later in this text, Brazil is one of the countries where [...]

    Accounting advice for telecom companies: its importance

    In this article, we will explore the importance of accounting advice in this dynamic and challenging sector.

    7 points to understand about the new labor law

    See what the main points of the new labor law are and understand what can [...]


    Discover the new CLM Controller platform: Differentiated service for the accounting area

    CLM launches platform, bringing differentiated accounting services to our clients.


    Accounting for Advertising Agencies

    How accounting for advertising agencies can help

    Radar Siscomex: Clarify all your doubts about qualifying your company

    In today's article we talk about Radar Siscomex and clear up the main doubts about [...]


    Lost your Siscomex Radar license?

    Qualification in the Integrated Foreign Trade System (Siscomex) consists of a prior procedure of [...]


    Siscomex Radar: What is it and how can your company qualify?

    As defined by the Receita Federal itself, Radar Siscomex is a system whose purpose is to [...]


    Advantages and disadvantages of outsourcing finance

    Discover the advantages and disadvantages of outsourcing finance and whether it really is the right [...]


    How much it costs to outsource a company's finances

    In this article, we will explore how much it costs to outsource finance, discussing advantages, disadvantages and providing examples [...]

    Is it worth outsourcing finance?

    Check out the main elements that should be taken into consideration when outsourcing [...]

    Issuing invoices in São Paulo: a step-by-step guide

    Understand how to issue invoices in São Paulo's city hall quickly and easily.


    What is DCTF Web

    Understand what changes are underway and how your company should adapt [...]

    What is Block K: Everything you need to know about this tax obligation

    Block K is a concern for managers, but it can be made easier with the help [...]

    IT companies: Signs that it's time to change accountants

    If the accounting services your company has contracted leave something to be desired, the change [...]

    What is financial BPO?

    Check out today's post and understand what financial BPO is and its implications [...]


    10 accounting mistakes that can kill your business

    The process of starting and developing a business is complex, there are several stages and [...]


    How to boost sales in an IT company?

    Audience segmentation, market analysis and customer loyalty: learn about these and other ways [...]


    5 biggest management mistakes in IT companies

    Knowing the main IT company management mistakes is very important in order to avoid them [...]

    People management: Get the most out of your IT team

    Have you ever wondered how you could increase the productivity of your business? Knowing how to manage [...]

    How to manage sales in an IT company?

    Sales management plays a crucial role in any company, and in the [...]


    What you need to know about Anatel's Convenio 115

    Anatel's famous Convention 115, which dates back to December 2003, establishes a series [...]


    How to pay Fust and Funttel: understand and fulfill your legal obligations

    When it comes to operating a business in an accounting office or offering services [...]


    Understanding the meaning of RPA (robotic process automation)

    Understand what RPA - Robotic Process Automation - is and how this tool can optimize [...]

    Accounting firm for your company: pros and cons

    Do you know which aspects you should analyze before choosing an accounting firm for your [...]


    3 best budget planning tools

    Manage your business budget much more efficiently with the tools [...]


    3 films to inspire your entrepreneurial journey

    Persistence, courage and hard work! These are some of the basic requirements for anyone who wants to see [...]


    Learn all about the importance of accounting for IT companies

    Nowadays the understanding of IT company taxes that are levied on [...]


    Deciphering the taxes that make up the price of gasoline

    Every time you fill up your car's tank, it's hard to ignore the [...]

    Discover the new BNDES channel for applying for credit

    Did you know that the BNDES (National Bank for Economic and Social Development) now offers a [...]


    Payroll exemption: understanding the CPRB framework

    This measure aims to reduce the tax burden on payroll [...]


    Attention simple companies: regularize your debts to avoid future problems

    The Federal Revenue Service is launching an important alert for companies included in Simples Nacional