Tag Archives: contabilidade em são paulo

How Presumed Profit works: rates and calculation

The Presumed Profit regime is one of the taxation options available to companies in [...]

Complete Guide: How do I calculate my net salary?

Learn how to calculate your net salary clearly and in detail, taking into account the mandatory deductions [...]

Americanas reveals net loss of R$ 12.9 billion in 2022 balance sheet

In a surprising turn of events and after a series of postponements, Americanas has finally released its [...]

The 5 Damages of not hiring a specialized accounting firm

Efficient financial management is the foundation of any successful company. However, many entrepreneurs [...]

Liability insurance for accounting firms

The business world is full of challenges and uncertainties, and entrepreneurs are constantly [...]

Tax compliance: comply to grow

Tax Compliance refers to the set of practices, policies and procedures that a company implements [...]

The vital significance of indicators for companies

Indicators, in the business context, are key elements that quantify and represent relevant information for management [...]

LGPD in online gaming companies

Understand the main points of the LGPD and how it affects gaming companies [...]

The importance of accounting for online betting companies

In the contemporary digital business landscape, online betting companies have experienced a growth [...]

Online betting in Brazil: taxes and regulation

The online betting scene is constantly growing all over the world, and the [...]

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